The Country Club Hills Police Records Department is open Mon-Fri 8am to 5pm. The Records Department processes all tickets and reports for court. Copies of reports are provided when needed, and vehicle crash reports are provided for a fee of $5.00. All persons picking up a copy are required to have a photo ID and must be listed in the report as being directly involved. Copies of reports will not be released to family, friends, etc. unless written permission is provided.
Crash reports can be obtained online or directly through the Records Department for a fee of $5.00. To request a crash report online CLICK HERE. You may request your crash report online by following the prompts and using the crash report number which was issued by the Officer (example C22-00001) or the other search options as provided by the website. Support assistance for citizens who wish to purchase an online crash report can be reached by calling 1-866-215-2771.
Red Light tickets can be paid for online or at the Records Department with exact cash, money order or credit card. To pay a Red Light ticket online CLICK HERE. Personal checks must be mailed to the Carol Stream P.O. Box address on your ticket.
Parking tickets can be paid for online or at City Hall with cash, check and credit/debit cards. To pay a Parking ticket online CLICK HERE.
Court for Red Light tickets, Parking tickets and a limited number of Ordinance violations are held once a month at the City’s Municipal Complex in the Council Chambers. The City of Country Club Hills contracts local attorneys who staff court as hearing officers.
Court for any other Felony or Misdemeanor violations is held in Markham at the 6th District court house. Court dates are provided by the officer during the time the case occurs.
For any questions please contact the Police Records Department at 708-798-3191 x2.