Message from the Chief

The Country Club Hills Police Department is committed to building relationships with community
members while providing the highest level of service to keep our City safe. As the Chief
of Police, I will continue to provide and share our on-going efforts with the community in order to
maintain and build public trust.

Community policing is at the heart of our organization and is emphasized at every level. Our
community partnerships are established through the daily efforts of our officers and support staff to
maintain the confidence of those we serve. Top priorities for members of the Country Club Hills
Police Department are to foster relationships through dignity and respect, mentor young people and
to be a problem solver.

Policing in the 21st century has dramatically changed and the movement towards technology and
better police practices has increased throughout the country. The Country Club Hills Police
Department is dedicated to reaching the highest standards of professionalism through policies,
procedures, training and technology. The department’s latest technological advancements have
helped to support police operations and allowed for greater efficiency. Our policing efforts through
the use of automated policies and procedures, automated crash reporting, RAVE, Star Chase, Ring Law
Enforcement, and Body Worn Cameras has provided our officers with the tools necessary to do their
job more safely and effectively.

As we continue to develop the Country Club Hills Police Department, I am dedicated to seeking out
and developing the very best our profession has to offer. The citizens of Country Club Hills deserve
the finest officer we can deploy through recruitment, testing, training and professional development.

Lastly, I am excited about the future of the Country Club Hills Police Department and dedicated to
our unwavering effort to keep our community safe while maintaining the trust of our citizens.

Michael E. Wilson
Chief of Police